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堪培拉一日游(四人成团) Canberra Tour (Code: CBR0124)

起始价格 $179.00

天数: 1;

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{{ currency(booking.pickup_price) }}


{{ currency(booking.dropoff_price) }}


上午八點從雪梨出發, 沿31號公路南下,前往首都坎培拉。於中午前抵達卡金顿花园,一个迷人的小人国,曾多次登上省内和国家的旅游项目获奖名单。这个独特的公园收藏了英格兰风格村庄,展示了村民的生动生活,在新建成的国际微缩馆中,包含有30多个国家标志性的建筑物。公园中很多微缩景观都设有电动开关供游客操作。让你有身临其境的感觉,趣味性十足。

 中午时分在中國餐館就餐,餐後前往格里芬湖,噴泉,首都展覽館參觀,首都铸币厂,亲眼见证硬币的制作过程, 并能欣赏到各个时期金银硬币。您还可以亲手制作一枚独特的澳洲硬币作为珍藏留念。而后前往世界上最大规模的钢体建筑之一,宏伟壮观的新国会大厦,入内参观:象征君主和人民主权的中央大厅,众议院议事厅和参议院议事厅。最后前往戰爭紀念館,它是世界上公认最出色的博物馆。三个主要大厅:第二次世界大战展厅;布莱德拜瑞(Bradbury Hall)战机展厅以及澳纽军团展厅。陈列着大量战时的兵器、图片、模型等;通过先进的激光、影视、立体声音响等高科技技术,逼真地再现了当年激烈的战争情景。让人们了解战争的残酷及维护和平的重要,它也是缅怀在战争中牺牲的将士的最佳场所。約於下午四時半離開啟程返回悉尼。約於晚上七時三十分返抵雪梨, 結束節目豐富的一天行程。


Visit Cockington Green, Parliament House, War Memorial, Lake Burley Griffin and The Embassy District, Royal Mint.













    1. 预订须知

      1.本公司保留因实际情况而作出行程调整之权利我们将不再另行通知.,如因此而增加费用,需要客人自付; 因人数不足天气因素道路封闭及疫情原因本公司有权在启程前或启程后取消或更改行程也有权缩短或延长行程并保留最终决定和解释权本公司保留拼团的权利游客需听导游安排个人行为所引起的一起后果由游客个人负责.





      •出发前5, 不收取取消费





      1. The company reserves the right to make adjustments to the itinerary due to actual conditions without further notice. If the cost is increased due to this, the guest will need to pay for it; due to insufficient number of people, weather factors, road closures and epidemic reasons, the company has The company reserves the right to cancel or change the itinerary before or after departure, and also reserves the right to shorten or extend the itinerary, and reserves the right of final decision and interpretation. The company reserves the right to join a group. Tourists must follow the tour guide's arrangements. Any consequences caused by personal behavior shall be borne by the tourists. Personal responsibility.

      2. The company does not assume any responsibility for safety issues arising from the services provided by relevant partners (transportation companies, tourist attractions, etc.) during the trip. The safety of group members’ travel is directly responsible for the relevant partners, and the company provides communication and coordination. Work. In order to protect the safety of the group members themselves and their property, it is strongly recommended that guests purchase travel insurance that covers the epidemic.

      3. The company does not assume any responsibility for additional expenses caused by personal reasons, strikes, weather, political factors, war, disasters or other force majeure factors.

      4. If the group is forced to cancel due to insufficient numbers or other reasons, the guest can choose another date or receive a full refund.

      5. Guests who cancel their reservation under any circumstances will be charged the following fees:

      • 5 days before departure no charge;

      • 3 days before departure, 70% of the tour fee per person will be charged;

      • Within 3 days before departure, 100% of the tour fee per person will be charged

      Only the tour fee will be refunded, not including credit card surcharge fees



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