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蓝山一日游 Blue Mountain Tour (Code: S0101)

起始价格 $149.00

天数: 1; 语言: 中文 Mandarin;

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{{ currency(booking.pickup_price) }}


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A 团 有氧蓝山一日游

09.00am 唐人街出发

11.30am 途径卡通巴:这里是蓝山地区的核心小镇,由于来往多为游客,所以镇上体现出的气氛主要为休闲,轻松和自由。

12.00am 乘坐轨道倾斜52度的矿山火车,体验速度与激情;漫步雨林栈道看,呼吸新鲜空气;乘坐丛林缆车,沿山涧爬升,感受蓝山的神奇






18.30pm 唐人街假日酒店门口结束


Visit  Three Sisters rock formation .  Next, we visit Scenic World,  where you can ride the world's steepest Scenic Railway, the Scenic Skyway or the Cableway, and visit Leura

B 团 蓝山+悉尼动物园

08:00am 唐人街假日酒店门前出发(以前一天晚上短讯通知为准)

09:30am 抵达悉尼动物园,悉尼动物园分设有六大板块:非洲区、灵长区、亚洲区、澳洲区、水族馆、爬行及夜行区,作为全澳洲首家无笼动物园,被认为是悉尼乃至全澳洲动物最全、设备最先进、动物居住最舒适的动物园,我们还特别为您安排早茶和跟考拉拍照

11:30am 途径卡通巴:这里是蓝山地区的核心小镇,由于来往多为游客,所以镇上体现出的气氛主要休闲,轻松和自由

12:00pm 乘坐轨道倾斜52度的矿山火车,体验速度与激情;漫步雨林栈道看,呼吸新鲜空气;乘坐丛林缆车,沿山涧爬升,感受蓝山的神奇

13:30pm 午餐自理

14:30pm 打卡网红石拱门观景步道,来到女王御用观景台-回音谷,这里可以拍到三姐妹峰的经典角度.

15:30pm 伦风的卢拉小镇四季都有不同风景,除了主街的工艺品店、画廊和咖啡屋,还可以自费参观茶壶博物馆、玩具和铁路博物馆.

18:00pm 唐人街假日酒店门口结束



  • 空调旅游巴士
  • 专业中文司机
  • 蓝山缆车
  • 动物园门票(B团)
  • 与考拉拍照门票(B团)



小费:$5/人/天 (团结束后支付给导游)




2.上车地点 Pick-up location

08:00AM: 华英小厨门口  186 forest Rd Hurstville

09:00AM:假日酒店 68 Harbour Street, Haymarket, Sydney NSW 2000


  1. 预订须知

    1.本公司保留因实际情况而作出行程调整之权利, 我们将不再另行通知.,如因此而增加费用,需要客人自付; 因人数不足, 天气因素, 道路封闭及疫情原因, 本公司有权在启程前或启程后取消或更改行程, 也有权缩短或延长行程, 并保留最终决定和解释权, 本公司保留拼团的权利, 游客需听导游安排, 个人行为所引起的一起后果由游客个人负责.

    2.本公司在旅途中相关合作商(交通公司, 各旅游景点等) 提供服务环节所产生的安全问题不承担任何责任, 团友旅游安全由相关合作商直接负责,本公司提供沟通及协调的工作. 为保障团友的自身及财产安全, 强烈建议客人购买包含疫情的旅行保险.

    3.如因个人原因, 罢工, 天气, 政治因素, 战争, 灾难或其它人力不可抗拒等因素引起的额外费用, 本公司不承担任何责任.

    4.因人数不足或其他原因团队被迫取消, 客人可以选择其他日期或者全额退款.


    •出发前5, 不收取取消费





    1. The company reserves the right to make adjustments to the itinerary due to actual conditions without further notice. If the cost is increased due to this, the guest will need to pay for it; due to insufficient number of people, weather factors, road closures and epidemic reasons, the company has The company reserves the right to cancel or change the itinerary before or after departure, and also reserves the right to shorten or extend the itinerary, and reserves the right of final decision and interpretation. The company reserves the right to join a group. Tourists must follow the tour guide's arrangements. Any consequences caused by personal behavior shall be borne by the tourists. Personal responsibility.

    2. The company does not assume any responsibility for safety issues arising from the services provided by relevant partners (transportation companies, tourist attractions, etc.) during the trip. The safety of group members’ travel is directly responsible for the relevant partners, and the company provides communication and coordination. Work. In order to protect the safety of the group members themselves and their property, it is strongly recommended that guests purchase travel insurance that covers the epidemic.

    3. The company does not assume any responsibility for additional expenses caused by personal reasons, strikes, weather, political factors, war, disasters or other force majeure factors.

    4. If the group is forced to cancel due to insufficient numbers or other reasons, the guest can choose another date or receive a full refund.

    5. Guests who cancel their reservation under any circumstances will be charged the following fees:

    • 5 days before departure no charge;

    • 3 days before departure, 70% of the tour fee per person will be charged;

    • Within 3 days before departure, 100% of the tour fee per person will be charged

    Only the tour fee will be refunded, not including credit card surcharge fees



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